Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ
When is the right age to start swimming?
We are surrounded with water everywhere we go. Being around water has been a very important and essential life skill. The earlier babies start our program, the better they are around water and the more neural network is developed.
You may read more details on our programme’s benefits at Our Programmes page.
What methodology do you use?
We also encourage a progressive teaching style that tags on students’ individual pace of learning without affecting their morale and esteem. Hence, we do not put pressure and expectations on our students but instead guide them progressively by customising our lessons according to the current abilities of the student.
For more information, you may read more from Our Program page.
What is the teacher-student ratio?
Are your swim teachers certified?
Additionally, all our Teachers are SSI and Austswim certified. These are international recognised certification associations.
How long or fast can my child learn to swim?
Our Infants & Toddlers programmes are designed to address the different developmental milestones at each varying group. Thus, students below 3 years old are grouped according by their birth year and month.
Our Children Learn-to-Swim programme is crafted according to our student’s learning ability. Teachers will perform a students’ assessment every 6 months, and over a span of 1 month to enable students to demonstrate their current abilities with consistency. We will, thereafter, group them according to their performance level to ensure optimal lesson performance and progression.
Is 30 minutes sufficient?
At the age of 2, Toddlers have an attention span of maximum of 10 minutes. At 3 years old, it is 15 minutes and it subsequently increases every 5 minutes yearly.
In Little Splashes, our lessons are packed with different songs (for Infants & Toddlers) and activities to get the children constantly moving in the water. These are all carefully crafted to meet our program’s objectives. Along with our small class ratio of 1:5, Teachers are able to facilitate, instruct and impart knowledge individually. Therefore, a 30 minute lesson filled with constant movements in the water is sufficient.
What is the purpose of the different class packages?
A Single Trial Lesson – is available for parents who wish to try out a class before committing to a package or can also be used as an ad-hoc session for parents who wish to attend an additional class out of the committed package.
4 Trial Class Bundle Package – enables both child and parent to attend 4 continuous weekly lessons on the same day and time, with the same teacher. This is highly recommended for first timers to try out before determining whether to commit to a Term Package. Reason being, it takes regular exposure for a first timer child to familiarise and adapt to a completely new environment before learning can take place.
Term Package – classes are on a weekly basis for the duration of a Term. For parents to enjoy this special package price, the student who is attending the lesson would have to be a member with Little Splashes. As such, a one-time registration fee per student allows access to Little Splashes’ Membership.
(Term: We have 4 terms in a year and the dates may vary from the regular local schooling system, hence, do kindly check Our Calendar for more information.)
If we start in the middle of the term, will we be missing out on anything?
Why are 2 layers of diapers in Little Splashes compulsory?
The first layer of swim diaper is the disposable swim diaper. We accept any brands of disposable swim diaper. This layer will hold and absorb a substantial amount of urine or faeces.
The second layer of swim diaper is the reusable swim diaper. There are a lot of different materials and brands in the market for purchase. We recommend any reusable swim diaper that is fitting by the hips and thighs with ideally an inner layer of mesh material. We do not accept training diapers or any swim diapers with an inner layer that is made of cotton.
We do sell these diapers over our counter if you like to purchase it before your swimming lesson. Alternatively, do feel free to contact us if you have any doubts on the material of the diapers.
My child is toilet trained and she is under 3 years old. Why must she still wear diaper?
Therefore, it is mandatory for all infants and toddlers under 3 years old or not toilet trained to wear 2 layers of our recommended swim diapers.
Why does parent require for children below 3 years old?
Our swim Teachers will facilitate the class and guide parents on how to execute and assist their child accordingly. This would make the parent the teacher to the child for the whole lesson.
Can both parents enter the water together?
Who will be the best person to accompany the child in the water?
Many of our parents prefer to have the parent that spends lesser time at home to accompany their child in the water. This can quickly create a special bond between both parent and child.
Can I stay on the deck since it is our first time? I would like to observe the class closer myself
At Siglap outlet, we have a live TV broadcast that shows the lesson on a big screen. It is viewable at our waiting area.
At Yio Chu Kang & King Albert Park outlet, we do have a viewing gallery with full glass window in our air-conditional waiting area to view the class.
At Selaseh outlet, we have highchairs placed along the corridor which is only a slight distance away from the pool to reduce class distractions.
We do not encourage parents or audiences to distract our students during lesson while viewing. We would prefer our students to gain the full benefit of the 30 minutes session.
I have paid for the Term Package and I can’t make it for my actual class time slot. I would like to transfer all the remaining classes to another day and time. Is it possible?
My child is very advanced for her age group. Can I promote her to the next class when she has not reached the age group?
My schedule is very unpredictable. I am unable to commit to a fix time and day. Can I still join?
Please note that all lessons are subjected to availability. Therefore, kindly contact us to check out the class availabilities.
What is your make-up policy?
There is a maximum of FOUR make-ups per Term Package
- No formal documentation is required. However, the school must be notified of the absence; otherwise, the missed lessons will expire.
- All make-up lessons will expire at the end of the term. Only make-up occurring on the last week of the term shall be allowed to be brought forward and to be cleared by the second week of the new term. No further extension is allowed.
- If a student has missed five consecutive sessions due to a medical condition and can provide valid proof of exemption from swimming, they may request a deferment of lessons. There will be a processing fee incurred for any other deferment of package.
I do not know how to swim and fear of water. Can I don’t go inside water?
What do I need to prepare before the class?
For our Infants & Toddlers programme, parents are required to prepare the following compulsory items:
- Disposable swim diaper
- Reusable swim diaper
(Do contact us if you have further queries on the Reusable diapers material) - Infant swimwear (on top of the 2 layers of diaper) [Optional]
- Loose T-shirt for the parent that will be in the water
- Parent swimwear is your preference
- Towel
Both Disposable and Reusable swim diapers are available over our counters.
For our Children program, parents are required to prepare the following items:
- Swimwear
- Towel
- Goggles [Optional]
Our showers are equipped with complimentary body wash and filtered warm water. However, you may bring your own toiletries too.
Can I group my 20 months old with 6 months old?
My child has been taking lesson for 6 months elsewhere, which level can my child join?
If your child is new to the water and is unable to swim any proper stroke, we will be assessing him/her in our Children Foundation course. We will then advise you on which class to attend for the term.
How do I track my child’s progression?
Every 6 months, our Teachers will assess all our students and issue a checklist to their parents for reference. For the Infants & Toddlers programme, our checklists are designed based on the average milestone guidelines in relation to water activities. For the Children Learn-to-Swim programme, our checklists are tagged according to their water confidence, water safety and swim stroke progression. However, our checklist is only available for our members. It is not available for students who are attending any of our trials or trial bundle.
Twice a year, Little Splashes will organise a Swim Safer test with an external partner for our students. Our Swim Teachers will advise you if your child is ready for the test. Although we do prepare our students for Singapore’s national certification, we do input more than what is required. We include additional strokes like Survival Sidestroke & Boat Safety to name a couple.
Are your teachers certified?
All our Teachers have to go through an intensive in-house training programme with more than 500 hours of water time before they are assessed and qualified to be able to independently conduct a class. Every term break, all Teachers are called back for a Teacher’s updates and additional trainings to improve as our syllabus is constantly evolving together with our children’s learning ability and style.
Additionally, all our Teachers are internationally and Little Splashes In-House certified.
Presquad FAQ
What is Pre-Squad program
Pre-Squad is an ongoing program for swimmer who had or is undergoing Children Advanced Level, aged between 6 to 12 years old.
Criteria: 3 Competitive Strokes
- Freestyle
- Backstroke
- Breaststroke
My child is new to the school and wish to join this program.
Child must be between the age of 6 to 12 years old and must be able to swim at least 4 strokes (Front crawl, Backstroke, Survival stroke, Breaststroke)
There will also be a one time registration of $109.00 for new student.
The purpose of the program
When is the program conducted
What is the duration
What are the fees?
- $327.00 (inclusive of 9% GST) per month.
- For new student who join mid of the month, half month fee will be charged ($163.50 inclusive of 9% GST)
- There will a deposit equivalent of one month fee + 9% GST will be collected upon registration
- There is a one-time non-refundable and non-transferable Pre-Squad registration fee of S$109.00 (including GST) for every new student.
- The registration fee will also applies for existing term students.
- The registration fee includes the following:
- Pull Buoy
- A pair of flippers
- Snorkel
- Goggles
- Swimming Cap
What is the deposit for?
What happened to my deposit if there is a change in fees?
When should monthly fees be made?
- Fees are due on the first week of every month.
- If fees are not paid by the 14th of the month, deposit will be forfeited.
- If fees remain unpaid at the end of the month, Little Splashes reserves the right to stop the student from entering the pool.
Will fees be prorated during term break?
I will be going for a month holiday, can I discontinue for a month and resume the next month?
My child is hospitalised and unable to swim for 1 month (or more)
Application for temporary discontinuation will be subjected to approval or the application will not be accepted.
For all approved application, a $54.50 (including gst) administration fee will apply.
Why is there no make-up?
I wish to withdraw from this program
Notice by phone call, messages or other related forms of notice will not be accepted.
Will there be certification given?
No, there will be no certification given for the pre-squad program.
The focus of the Pre- squad class is streamlining, improvement of stroke technique and stamina building.
How long can my child be in this pre-squad?
Is your pool deep and long enough for the pre-squad program?
Our depth is 1.0 meter and length is 25 meter.
This program will have more than just stamina building. We will prepare a set of drills that includes distance and time. These will be done according to the objective of the session/week.
Kindly also note that this program focuses on streamlining, improvement of stroke technique and stamina building and is not for competition preparation
Is there a trial for this program?
Yes, there is a one time trial for the pre-squad program should anyone wish to try.
The fee will be at $65.40
This fee cannot be used to offset the original squad monthly fee.

Our Swimming Lessons Programme